Tuesday, December 25, 2012

AKB48 7th Anniversary c:

M01 - Kodoku na Hoshizora (Shinoda Team A)
M02 - Scrap & Build (Oshima Team K)
M03 - Seigi no Mikata Janai Hero (Umeda Team B)
M04 - Heavy Rotation
M05 - End Roll (Kotani Riho, Matsui Jurina, Ishida Anna, Watanabe Miyuki)
M06 - Kibou ni Tsuite (14th gen)
M07 - Ougon Centre (13th gen)
M08 - Oogoe Diamond (12th gen)
M09 - 7ji 12fun no Hatsukoi (11th gen)
M10 - Yuuhi wo Miteiru ka? (10th gen)
M11 - RIVER (9th gen)
M12 - Tanpopo no Kesshin (7th gen)
M13 - Himawari (Nonaka Misato, Akimoto Sayaka, Matsubara Natsumi, Ohori Megumi)
M14 - Only Today (5th gen)
M15 - BINGO! (4th gen)
M16 - Shonichi (3th gen)
M17 - Sasae (2nd gen)
M18 - Skirt, Hirari (1st gen)
M19 - Eien Pressure
M20 - Sakura no Hanabiratachi

Yeah yeah :D Did you see that? Ohori Megumi made a surprise appearance :D She also announced she is getting married to Kanazawa Tatsuya!
Congratulations AKB for the 7 years!

Also Yokoyama Yui finally debuted in NMB48 Team N! Not surprised about her being in Team N when the Team M had slots open.. Congratulations Yui!

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